Over the past few years, home automation has taken off in popularity. Even those who aren’t the most technologically savvy are jumping on the home automation train. And it’s easy to see why. Home automation does just that – it makes your home, and therefore your life, automated. Why is this so great? Here are the five biggest benefits of home automation:
Energy Savings
While initially home automation will require a financial investment, you’ll save in the long run in energy use. Many home automation products are designed to help you reduce your house’s energy consumption, whether it’s monitoring light usage, adjusting your thermostat, or reminding you when something has been left on too long. Some smart devices go a step further and can actually sync with your appliances. They can figure out the most cost-effective times to operate, such as running your dishwasher at 4am instead of 10pm. Home automation devices not only can help you leave a greener footprint, but also reduce your electricity bill.
Comfortability and Convenience
Home automation products are designed to make your home more comfortable and simpler to control. With the right product, no longer will you have to wonder if you left the bathroom light on at home, or if you didn’t lock the patio door. You can simply check your phone or other automated device to ensure everything is as it should be. This could range from turning on the heater before getting into your car when it’s cold outside, to turning on the lights in your house when you’re on the way home late at night.
Time Saving
We all have busy schedules. With home automation, you can cut down on some the time-consuming yet unimportant tasks and spend more time doing what you love. You can make your day incredibly more productive when you let technology help with some of your daily tasks.
One of the first home automation systems was the home alarm. Today, home alarm systems are incredibly popular. But beyond that, there are a number of other home automation systems designed to provide your home added security. You can install a sensor that alerts you if there is a gas or water leak. You can easily monitor your home with discreet security cameras. With advanced technology, you can make it much more difficult for burglars to break into your home.
Easy to Use
One of the best features of home automation is that it is easy for everyone to use, from a tech-obsessed teenager to a Baby Boomer who can barely use a computer. A number of companies offer home automation installation, so you don’t have the worry about the complicated setup. All it takes is some reading of a few instructions and a couple test runs to get used to your new system and understand all the choices you have.
Photo by: Anton Fomkin