There are several home automation and security systems to choose from these days, and if you’re not careful, you might end up with a really complicated system that requires you to constantly use the support of the company that sold you the unit. I’m more of a DIYer, so that sounds awful to me. I’m looking for a system that is easy, and that doesn’t require me to rely on anyone else.
If you’re like me, or if you just want some simple for simple’s sake, there is a product out there worth looking at. The BeON Lighting system is easy to use and to install, and it has some great features and benefits.
This automated home system is built for security and safety lighting, and it features a built-in rechargeable backup battery. Without programming, the BeON system will learn your lighting habits and can replay them. It can also be trained to listen for your doorbell and a smoke alarms, so that it can respond to the sound to light up the house or your emergency exits. You can continue using your regular light switch with the BeON system, and you can also use your phone and the app to control it. Your lights and emergency lighting will work even if your main light switch is turned to the ‘off’ position.
They system uses the common statistic that burglars will ring a doorbell before breaking into a house to sell the benefit that it can help prevent break-ins by helping it look occupied even when you’re away. The system claims that it can mimic your presence if the doorbell rings while the house is in away mode. Instead of leaving lights on all the time, or using timers, you can have the lights react to external forces. This will make it seem as though the lights turning on are a response to the doorbell ringing. I personally think that system is a little more convincing than timers.
What I really like about this system is the emergency lighting feature. If your power goes out, you can use up to 4 hours of backup lighting when you really need it. Hopefully you aren’t stuck in frequent power outages that last more than 4 hours. This is a great safety feature because it prevents the need to light a bunch of candles. Sure, you can use flashlights or lanterns, but why bother if you can just have you lights stay on? If the power goes out, you just use the app to turn the lights on. The system will also respond to your fire/smoke alarm by lighting up the areas that have been designated as the path to get out.
Here are a few more details about BeON Lights:
- Free smartphone app available
- Can be used inside and outside
- Bulbs will charge automatically when your main switch is in the ‘on’ position
- Works with Bluetooth, without the need of a hub or WiFi
- Uses 13.5 watts but is equivalent to 60 watts
- Produces 800 lumens of 3000K soft white light
- Life expectancy is 22 years for bulb and 5 years for module
What do you think of this system? Are you sold on getting this for your family or do you swear by another system? Let’s talk about it in the comments section.
Photo by: BeOnhome