7 Emerging B2B Cyber Threats in 2022

As businesses continue to rely on digital technologies and B2B (Business-to-Business) interactions, cybercriminals are adapting and devising new tactics to exploit vulnerabilities. In 2022, several emerging cyber threats have come to the forefront, posing significant challenges for B2B organizations. In this article, we’ll explore these threats and discuss strategies to mitigate their risks.

1. Supply Chain Attacks

The Threat: Supply chain attacks involve targeting a company by compromising its suppliers or partners. Cybercriminals exploit this trust relationship to infiltrate the target organization’s network. In 2022, these attacks have become increasingly sophisticated, targeting software providers, hardware manufacturers, and service providers.

Mitigation Strategies: Implement stringent supply chain security measures, conduct thorough vendor assessments, and regularly update and patch software and hardware.

2. Ransomware Evolution

The Threat: Ransomware attacks have evolved, with attackers now stealing sensitive data before encrypting it. They then threaten to release this data unless a ransom is paid. These attacks have disrupted businesses and led to data breaches in various sectors, including B2B.

Mitigation Strategies: Strengthen backup and disaster recovery procedures, maintain up-to-date security software, and educate employees on ransomware threats and safe online practices.

3. Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

The Threat: Zero-day vulnerabilities are software flaws that have been discovered by cybercriminals but are not yet known to the software vendor. Exploiting these vulnerabilities allows attackers to gain unauthorized access to systems.

Mitigation Strategies: Keep software and systems patched and up to date, and consider threat intelligence services that can provide early warnings about new vulnerabilities.

4. Business Email Compromise (BEC)

The Threat: BEC attacks involve impersonating a trusted entity, often through email, to manipulate employees into transferring funds or sensitive information. These attacks can have severe financial consequences.

Mitigation Strategies: Implement strong email authentication protocols, conduct employee training on email security, and establish multi-factor authentication for critical financial transactions.

5. IoT (Internet of Things) Vulnerabilities

The Threat: As more IoT devices are integrated into B2B environments, they become potential entry points for cybercriminals. Many IoT devices lack robust security measures, making them vulnerable to attacks.

Mitigation Strategies: Secure IoT devices with strong passwords, segment IoT networks from critical systems, and regularly update firmware to patch vulnerabilities.

6. Insider Threats

The Threat: Insider threats involve employees or trusted individuals who misuse their access to harm the organization. These threats can be intentional or unintentional, and they are on the rise.

Mitigation Strategies: Implement user access controls, conduct regular security training for employees, and monitor user activity for signs of unusual behavior.

7. AI-Powered Attacks

The Threat: Cybercriminals are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to automate attacks and make them more effective. AI can be used for tasks like phishing, malware development, and even social engineering.

Mitigation Strategies: Utilize AI and ML for defense purposes, such as threat detection and response, and continuously update security measures to counter AI-driven threats.

Protection for the Future

As 2022 progresses, B2B organizations must remain vigilant against these emerging cyber threats. Cybersecurity is an ongoing effort that requires a proactive approach, including threat monitoring, employee training, regular software updates, and collaboration with cybersecurity experts. By understanding and addressing these evolving threats, B2B organizations can better protect their digital assets and maintain the trust of their partners and customers in an increasingly connected world.